
Healthy Food Choices Which You Can Make During Ramadan

The holy month of Ramadan comes with an enormous amount of contentment and bliss but this month also tends to change our routine and eating diary. Keeping an eye on your weight is very important in Ramadan since we encounter a lot of fried food and junk food during Iftar. some find it nearly impossible to maintain healthy eating during Ramadan but here we have some healthy Iftar ideas that you can opt for!  Who does not like Pakoray and Samosay alongside some delicious chutney but it is completely unhealthy and unsafe to eat a disproportionate amount of fried food every day

Here are some healthy options you can pair with your usual Iftari:


 Watermelon is a fruit that contains 80% water and 20% fibre. it is completely harmless and healthy to consume and also tends to make you feel full.it is extremely low in calories but high on benefits. One can unquestionably eat a bowl of watermelon in Iftar and it will also keep them hydrated throughout the night and not just watermelon but all the fruits are healthy and can be consumed in iftar without distressing about your weighing scale


Having boiled chickpeas is another healthy option and you can absolutely have them along with your favourite yoghurt chutney and vegetables in a form of Chaat or whatever you love.

Fresh Juices

Fresh juices are also very important to keep you hydrated after hours of fasting and they can be a healthy alternative to the usual drinks like Jam e Shirin or Rooh Afza.

Making mild changes in your diet can give you observable results and you won’t have to worry about looking all bloated in Eid!  Happy Ramadan to us to you.

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