
Why intermittent fasting has been getting a lot of recognition lately

We live in a world full of uncertainties and food is probably the only pleasurable thing present in our lives nowadays. Due to excessive consumption of Fast-food and sugary items, people for whom we thought they can never gain weight are a little bit chubby now. Weight gain is the major problem we are facing in this era and there are numerous diets that are effective but sticking to any diet isn’t easy at all. As you begin to feel low, dizzy and just irritated. Intermittent fasting isn’t a diet but an eating pattern. It has fasting hours and eating hours. For example, the trendiest form of it is 16/8. In this, you fast for 16 hours and eat for 8 hours a day. You can have breakfast at 12 in the afternoon if you stop eating at 8 pm.  Or you can adjust the eating timings accordingly. There are many benefits of intermittent fasting as it excludes midnight snacks from our lives and restricts our calorie intake too I mean how much a person can eat in 8 hours? 16/8 isn’t the only window as some people do 20/4 and some people do OMAD (one meal a day) which isn’t healthy and not recommended. IF is effective than any other diet and if you’re a person who can’t be on a diet IF is for you.

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