Women in Pakistan

Facebook Groups are Future of Friendship for Women in Pakistan

Facebook is one of the most used applications in the world and people from all over the world use this application to connect with other people. There a lot of other application which tried to copy Facebook in some ways but Facebook still is one of its kind where you can connect with a lot of people while sitting at your home.

Facebook groups are also another thing that is there from the beginning of Facebook. Facebook has changed a lot of features but the only feature which is still the same is the feature of groups.

Women in Pakistan are not as vocal as women in other countries and they try to share the stuff going on in their life with their mothers or sisters but sometimes the stuff is not appropriate enough to share with your mother or sister or you just simply do not want to share it with them.  Facebook has a lot of “all women” private groups which give them access to ask for advice, questions and any queries related to their careers, daily life, beauty, health and whatnot.

Below we will mention some all-women group which are a safe place for women in Pakistan!


The first group we will talk about is Soul Sisters Pakistan also known as (SSP).  It was founded in 2013 and is the largest all-women group in Pakistan right now. In this group, women discuss all kind of stuff related to their life, marriages, careers and other women are there to support those women

Once women posted about her desire to meet Feroze Khan and how she is a diehard fan of him. A few days after, she posted a picture with Feroze Khan and said this group helped her to find Feroze and meet him which shows the reliability of this Group

Another noticeable group is Soul Bitches  which has girls from Pakistan and even outside of Pakistan. Girls of Soul bitches are extremely supportive towards each other and quite liberal. This group is definitely a safe haven for a girl who is open-minded and wants to live her life on her own terms. This group is literally different from all other all-women groups as it has mostly working independent women who support each other every time there is a need for support. From asking where to get Ramen Noodles at 4 a.m to how to make a drastic career change, the group helps everyone.

Another exciting group is All Gucci revamp.

In this group, girls help other girls identifying the wrong guy by posting their profile and all the other girls comment if they know that guy and how is the repetition of that guy. The group is highly confidential and try not to exploit any guy on purpose the group has saved a lot of girls from the wrong proposal but a lot of boys recently criticized this group and made some other groups  for some sort of revenge but All Gucci Revamp is still a hit and a lot of women take help from there on daily basis

Other noticeable women groups areWomen wonders, Fix her Crown, Sheops, Karachi chefs at home, All women support Pakistan and a lot of other groups which maybe we are not aware of but the thing which we are sure about is that these Facebook Groups are future of women friendship in Pakistan as women are not allowed to go out in Pakistan and their social lives are non-existent due to the pressure of being a housewife and house chores but fortunately these groups are a safe place for women who want to take something out of their chest or want advice from someone who has an experience. Women in these groups try their best to give others honest advice and usually girls feel a lot lighter after discussing the issues on these groups.

We are supremely glad to see such sisterhood in Pakistan and we hope women start supporting each other more and people actually start praising those groups instead of criticising them

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