Broken Engagement and Social Humiliation – Hard week for Christian Betzmann

German vlogger Christian Betzmann criticized Pakistan and got soaked in hot waters after being controversial and insensitive to Pakistan’s problems. He recently embraced Islam and got engaged to Pakistani beautician and actress, Zoya Nasir.

The Palestinian cause trembled last week after a new attack on Palestinians by Israeli forces. Recent trends in Israeli repressions have sparked global protests on social media, and many celebrities are also calling for Israel for its inhumane behaviour.  “Sharing something which is all over mainstream media won’t make any difference,” he said, before talking about raising money for clean drinking water in Pakistan and how that did not make it to the news.

In what was possibly the most incriminating part of his post, Betzmann criticized those Pakistanis raising their voice for Palestine and said, “Stop feeling guilty for others when you’re littering your own country, not helping your own people and community.”

The post was, of course, met with intense backlash, with some people resorting to using foul language in Betzmann’s inbox, one of which he shared a screenshot of. While the original message was much too obscene to quote, Betzmann’s reply read like an offhanded insult at Pakistan.

“How are you gonna find my mum if you can’t enter Germany on your passport?” he mocked.

After all this drama, His fiancé Zoya Nasir broke their engagement. In an Instagram post, Zoya shared, “It’s with a heavy heart I’m announcing that Christian Betzmann and I are no longer engaged to be married. His sudden change in stance towards my culture, my country, my people and insensitivity towards my religion has lead me to take this difficult and irrevocable decision.”

Well it all escalated quickly! The same guy who thought rants on internet don’t make difference got his engagement broken because of Internet. Kudos to Zoya for this courageous step and we believe Chris must have learnt a lot of different lessons this week.

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