
Weird Side Effects of Losing Weight no one talks about

There are countless benefits to dropping pounds if you’re overweight or obese. You’ll have more energy. You’ll slash your risk of developing diabetes, depression, sleep apnea, impotence, back pain, cardiovascular disease, and some types of cancer.

These are all good things and they’re expected because they are the kind of things people who have lost weight talk about because they like to talk about them. But every so often, losing weight, especially a large amount of weight comes with some unexpected side effects.

Loose Skin

Sadly, melting flab doesn’t automatically come with tight, taut abs. If you lose a lot of weight, you may wind up with sagging folds of excess skin. But the amount of loose skin you wind up with depends on how old you are, how quickly you dropped weight, and how often you’ve lost and gained weight in the past. Proper exercise is very important to get rid of loose skin.

Stomach Pain

Surprisingly, this is something a lot of people experience, Some people who lose weight fast develop gallstones—hard lumps that form in your gallbladder. If you cut down on fat in your diet, your gallbladder doesn’t contract as frequently, allowing bile to become concentrated in the organ, which leads to the formation of stones

Muscle Loss

When you lose weight by changing what you eat, “two-thirds of the weight you lose is fat, and about one-third is muscle. Not only can that leave your skin a little loose, but a loss of calorie-burning muscle doesn’t help you keep going in your weight loss efforts as quickly but If you maintain a good protein intake and do strength exercises as you lose weight, you can shift that ratio a bit so there’s less muscle loss.

Crankiness and Mood Swings

Blame a lack of carbohydrates. Most diets have you remove simple (or processed) carbs to help you cut calories. But cutting too many carbs can deplete your brain of the vital energy stores it needs to function and generally be a nice human being. and Dropping weight may actually increase your risk for depression, according to a study from University College London. So it may seem all good from the surface but a person who loses weight goes through a lot which not everyone understands.

Powerful Hunger

Sure, part of your ferocious appetite may be since you’re simply eating fewer calories, but it might also be because your metabolism hasn’t yet adjusted to your new diet. Maybe it’s a bag of Nacho Cheese Doritos. Whatever your craving is for, it’s probably not going to be for kale.


All these side-effects are extremely normal and these are actually signs that you’re going in the right direction (losing weight)

Losing weight quickly may sound incredible but It comes with lots of disadvantages as well and we wouldn’t recommend you to lose weight quickly until it’s necessary. Make few changes in your lifestyle and you will see a difference without having these side effects,

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