Money Heist Finale – Ride of Emotional Rollercoaster
It’s been three months since we were left with one of the most shocking moments in Money Heist as Tokyo’s (Ursula Corbero) character met with a painful death. It was a moment that hit harder to us than The Professor (Alvaro Morte) and his team and here we are again, as the final season picks up in the aftermath of her death. Several questions were left unanswered and they will slowly be untangled through the final five episodes of the series. The Spanish series which became a massive global phenomenon finds itself under immense pressure as all eyes are on the finale and it is these five episodes that will determine the fate of the show and how it will be remembered. It surely doesn’t want to fall into the company of other hyped shows such as Game of Thrones which delivered disappointing finales and left their fanbase mighty upset.
Having binged on the first episode of the second volume as soon as it was released online, I can safely say that it took no time for me to get hooked back into the world of the heist, it almost felt like I never left. While we were left with several questions looming over us including whether Tokyo is truly dead and whether she will continue to be the narrator, the show kicks off clarifying that Corbero’s feisty character is not returning though her voice does feature in voiceover portions as the second volume of the finale opens. Following Tokyo’s death, The Professor finds himself having a breakdown and for a moment there, he loses control of the situation, giving Alicia Sierra (Najwa Nimri) an opportunity to escape. The atmosphere in the bank, on the other hand, is emotional as not only Tokyo’s death has left the team heartbroken but Sagasta (José Manuel Seda) as well has lost six soldiers including Gandia (José Manuel Poga) and the loss of these innocent lives is weighing down a heavy burden on both sides. Amid this, a devastated Rio (Miguel Herran) questions the difference between good and bad deeds whereas Colonel Tamayo (Fernando Cayo) continues to stoop low to score a win against the Professor. But all through. the only question on our mind is, will the team succeed in their task of pulling off the greatest heist ever.
The best thing about Money Heist is that it never gives you the time to look away from your screen. The final volume of the show promises a fast-paced beginning with a car chase, an important flashback involving Berlin (Pedro Alonso) and once again The Professor being challenged to think on his feet as things continue to go out of control for him and his team. The gang undergoes a sea of emotions as each member reflects on how they want to go ahead if their days are numbered and there’s no escape plan for them in a heist that has been going on for over 100 hours. If nothing else, we all need to take a swig of Bogota’s (Hovik Keuchkerian) spirit, especially amid the COVID-19 time, considering his zeal to continue doing the task assigned to him despite all the chaos and hurt it comes with it.
While Money Heist makers had teased that the finale would be much more emotional than its previous seasons, a glimpse of it certainly begins to reflect in the first episode itself as we see Denver (Jaime Lorente), Stockholm (Esther Acebo) and even Palermo (Rodrigo de la Serna), Rio (Miguel Herran) bare their feelings in scenes that seem heartfelt.
Final 5 episodes are nothing but a ride of emotional rollercoaster. They contain major twists and you will get to see the side of professor you all were eagerly waiting to see. Unsurprisingly, there isn’t a dull moment here: it is once again all vim and vigour and a synthesis of style and substance. It delivers the sort of relentless adrenaline rush that does not let you take your eyes off the screen for a second. From unexpected friendships to nail biting twists,It is safe to say that Money Heist ended on a satisfactory note and didn’t leave a single stone unturned