10 cat sleeping positions and what they mean
Cats sleep up to 18 hours a day, or sometimes even more as they age. You’ve probably found your cat sleeping in a number of different positions, and some of them may be pretty strange.
What does it mean when your cat sleeps curled up versus right next to your head?
Much of a cat’s sleeping behavior stems from social tendencies. Despite their reputation as aloof, cats can have social connections and form bonds with pet parents and other pets. They also seek out warmth from body heat while sleeping. This is what leads cats to sleep on you or next to you or another pet in the household.
Other cat sleeping positions go back to their wild roots. Cats are both predators and prey animals, so in the wild or while outdoors, their lives depend on paying attention. Because of this, cats are highly observant of their surroundings and protective of their bodies. So that explains why they might sleep curled up in a ball, for instance.
With a little insight, it’s possible to decode your cat’s sleeping positions and what they say about your cat’s state of mind. Here are 10 positions you might find you cat sleeping in and what they mean.
Curled in a Ball
Cats often sleep curled up in a ball, with nose to tail. Cats like to be warm, and this shape helps them retain body heat. This position also protects vital organs in their abdomen by surrounding them with less essential and more resilient muscle and bone.
On Their Backs
You’ve probably seen your cat sleep on their back, with their front legs either resting on their belly or outstretched over their head, and their bellies fully exposed. Cats instinctively protect their vulnerable organs, so if a cat is sleeping with their belly exposed, it means they feel very safe and confident.
Even though your cat feels safe, you should probably not try to rub your cat’s belly when they are in this position. Most cats will still attempt to defend themselves when touched in the belly area (by biting, swatting, or scratching).
In a Loaf Shape
This position resembles the shape of a loaf of bread. Cats sleeping in this position keep their front paws curled underneath their body, with their head up. This position preserves a cat’s body heat and protects their vital organs. Cats sleeping in a loaf position may be relaxed, but they are also poised to spring into action and use their claws if they’re suddenly in danger.
On Your Chest
There are many reasons your cat might sleep on your chest. If your cat is bonded to you, they may lie on your chest because they want to be close. Your cat may also want to sleep on your chest to be closer to your mouth, as your voice may provide comfort.
Also, in much the same way that the sound of a heartbeat can soothe an infant, your cat may be soothed by the sound of your heart and the rhythmic motion of your breathing. Sleeping on your chest also gives your cat a great source of body heat.
On Your Feet
When a cat sleeps at your feet, they keep your feet warm, but they may also be seeking warmth from you. Sleeping by or on your feet lets your cat be close to you, but also gives them the security of an easy escape when near the foot of the bed, couch, or chair.
Between Your Legs
When a cat sleeps between your legs, it may be somewhat uncomfortable for you, but it can definitely have some perks for your cat. Your cat can be very close to you, and your legs provide a warm, safe, nest-like area for your cat to sleep. Even so, your cat still has the security of an easy escape route.
In a Box
As a prey animal, cats need a place to hide from their enemies. This need is why cats seem to derive such pleasure from jumping into empty cardboard boxes. Boxes also give your cat security and warmth, sort of like camping tents do for humans, while providing an easy exit, just in case. When cats try to fit into a box that seems too small, they are seeking security, like an infant feels when they are swaddled
The Superman Pose
In the Superman position, the cat lies on their belly. Their front legs and paws are stretched forward, and their back legs and paws are stretched behind them, like Superman in flight.
Cats can be relaxed in this position, but all four paws are still extended and ready to for action. They also have the advantage of protecting their vulnerable bellies. Lying on something warm, like a fuzzy blanket, can also help conserve body heat. However, if the weather is hot, or the heater is cranked up inside, cats may choose to lie on a tile or hardwood floor to cool down.
Perched on Furniture or Appliances
It may seem precarious when a cat sleeps perched on the back of a couch, the arm of a chair, or even on top of the refrigerator, but this sleeping position has its advantages.
For one, with a high vantage point, cats are safe from potential predators while sleeping. In your home, this might mean other pets, children, or even unfamiliar visitors.
Also, as a predator themselves, a perched sleeping position gives your cat a panoramic view to keep an eye on potential prey. In your home, the “prey” will most likely consist of toys or other pets, instead of mice or squirrels, but the motivation for your cat remains the same.
Strange Positions
Cats sometimes sleep in very uncomfortable-looking positions. But unlike their canine counterparts, cats are extremely flexible, so a sleeping position that seems very awkward may actually be quite comfortable for your cat.
The discs in a cat’s spinal column are very elastic, allowing cats to twist their bodies into unusual shapes. Also, a cat’s shoulder blade is attached very loosely, giving them an extremely large range of motion in the shoulder joint.